Functional Imagery Training Important Info for Clients and Patients!

Anyone interested in receiving safe and quality assured Functional Imagery Training (FIT) as a patient/client should check with your chosen practitioner who they have been trained by and that they have valid certification. Please note that Functional Imagery Training practitioners might refer to themselves as Functional Imagery Training coaches in keeping with their overall business identity. 

If they have not been trained by one of the original developers of Functional Imagery Training and are offering Functional Imagery Training, they are in fact offering a copy, not endorsed by the Functional Imagery Training developer team. Therefore, quality standards and safety of these services cannot be assured.

Certificates should always display the University of Plymouth logo, the Functional Imagery Training logo and be signed by one of the original developers which means that these practitioners have completed their Functional Imagery Training practitioner training with one or more of the original developers of Functional Imagery Training and have completed their Functional Imagery Training practitioner assessment and certification with us.

The original developers of Functional Imagery Training are:

Emeritus Prof David Kavanagh (QUT),

Prof Jackie Andrade (UoP)

Dr Linda Solbrig (UoP) ,

Prof Jon May (UoP),

Dr Jonathan Rhodes (UoP) ,

Dr Jennifer Connolly (QUT)

We have published our early Functional Imagery Training research in the name of ‘Functional Decision Making’ and then changed to Functional Imagery Training, for those of you who are searching the research literature for papers/studies on FIT.

Please assume that other variations on the name Functional Imagery Training are attempts to sell a product without the training and quality assurance that we provide. 

Functional Imagery Training is a protected trademark: No. UK00003616076:

Dr Linda Solbrig is the owner of the name Functional Imagery Training which is a mark of quality and anyone wishing to advertise as using Functional Imagery Training and or as being a Functional Imagery Training practitioner needs to be a) trained by one of the original developers and b) get certified by one of the developers. We then grant you use of our trademarks for advertising Functional Imagery Training to your clients/patients. The Functional Imagery Training logo is a protected trademark and the same rules as above apply to anyone wishing to use it as part of their advertising/marketing and practice. Prof Andrade and Dr Linda Solbrig co-own the logo: UK00003406053:

If you want to train as a Functional Imagery Training practitioner/coach you can check the info on my page and also check on the University of Plymouth website who currently provides Functional Imagery Training for practitioners:

If you are in the Netherlands, please check out our work and course offer there with Functional Imagery Training Co-trainer Rutger Top: /